The Beautiful Mistake
Light a Match, for I Deserve to Burn
Shawn Grover - Guitar/vocals
Josh Hagquist - Vocals/guitar
Jon Berndtson - Bass
Armin Chami - Drums
Reviewed by Vin Cherubino
Review - 4.0/5.0

1. On Building
2. Stabbing Backwards
3. Stavesail
4. Circular Parade
5. Silence
6. Light A Match
7. Anonymous VS. California
8. Lancaster, PA
9. Narnian Analogy
10. For A Friend

The Beautiful Mistake blends amazing heavy and acoustic guitars, bellowing lyrics, and spot on drumming to accomplish a new standard for fans of intelligent and multi-layered rock. Fans of Indie music and emo rock are going to be thrilled by this CD. Fans of bands like Thursday and Further Seems Forever are going to have a new favorite band.

Amongst a genre ridden with garbage, The Beautiful Mistake demonstrates the talent and natural ability to compose music that can appeal to a wide range of listeners. The mix is crystal clear, enhancing the dramatic effects the light acoustics produce among a barrage of distortion. The result is a euphoric mind trip, one that focuses on the beauty of the melodies, and raw aggression that stems from power and smooth tempo changes. The band goes far beyond the standard rock quota of just a few good songs and nothing more; each song is unique and every song can be enjoyed for months and months. "Silence" has an exceptionally memorable chorus, while "Light a Match" as well as every other song is done in such a great way, that someone who never really cared for Indie can easily be drawn in. To write a mellow song is a considerable task on its own, but to add a hardcore element in and make it work is astonishing.

There can be no mistake, this album is a must have. At the very least, it's a must to listen to. I never thought I would be this pleasantly surprised. There needs to be more promotion on this, I had no idea who these guys were, and would have never even thought to buy this. At least there are some pleasant surprises still in music.

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