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Synthetic Division
James Rietz - vocals
Chris Nemzek - guitars
Charlie Parker - bass
Travis Simpkins - drums
Flip - keyboards
DJ Izzo - keyboards
Reviewed by Vin Cherubino
Review - 3.5/5.0

1. Severed
2. Seasons
3. Underlined
4. Breathe
5. Pure Energy
6. Release Me
7. Machines
8. Painted Red
9. Stem
10. Concentrate
11. Regretful Times
12. Lost Soul

Do you like Orgy? Do you wish there was a band that had the same electronic style but was a lot heavier? Then this cd is for you. Crossbreed takes metal in a new direction combining traditional metal with synthesizers and turntables making a very nice combination not seen too often in the metal scene.

Crossbreed hits much heavier and provides a much more enjoyable listening experience then many bands currently out there. Tracks like "Seasons" and "Breathe" provide enough energy to power the biggest of mosh pits. That isn't to say that Synthetic Division doesn't have any setbacks. Although there a quite a few good tracks on the cd, there isn't enough of them to keep you interested all the way through.

Those who are looking for pure traditional metal may be a little turned off by the futuristic atmosphere set by the cd. Anyone looking for a poppy catchy electronic band like Orgy will also be turned away.

In general buy the cd, it's worth the money.

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